Volume 6 Page 151
Posted January 17, 2020 at 12:01 am

Guess who’s back for the title page of this volume-ending story, folks! Why, it’s good ol’ Deathmonger! (Also, Turbobrain and Mindf**k, apparently.) Plus, duct-taped Emp from the previous story, for some reason. But why? Why?

Next week, the climactic shenanigans commence with the sudden reappearances of two characters that webcomic readers aren’t likely to anticipate seeing in rapid succession. Ooh, mysterious!

Today’s Patreon update: Either another Comics Riff I Love post, re: art that’s influenced and inspired me, or maaaaybe a new Failed-Project Friday update. Click the Patreon link after 9:00am East Coast time (my usual posting timeframe) and see for yourselves!

-Adam Warren

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