Volume 1 Page 165
Posted February 23, 2016 at 12:01 am

Yikes! Must say, I really do not care for the half-assed pattern I used on the schoolgirls’ skirts in panel 2. Later on, I disgustedly switched out this little bit of off-the-top-of-my-head hackery with a better, bolder plaid pattern cribbed from Ken Akamatsu’s manga Negima! 

I’m somewhat annoyed to admit that, in panel 2, I pretty much nailed Young(er) Spooky’s proportions the first time out, making her look roughly the correct age for a young high-schooler. Alas, in subsequent appearances, I wound up drawing her as appearing waaaaaay younger than she should, to the point that she barely looks as if she were in junior high. (In fact, she already seems a tad young as of panel 4…) Oh, well.

Along those lines, Empowered print-comic readers will note that that this page’s “SIX YEARS AGO” caption poses some potential timeframe problems underlying Spooky’s future relationship with Mindf**k. They’re supposed to have first hooked up “TWO YEARS AGO” from the present day, meaning four years after this flashback takes place. My theory, here, is that Young Spookums was an unusually underage-looking 15 or 16 years old at this point, thus assuring that Mindf**k did, in fact, sleep with a lover who was over the age of consent. Whew!

For newbie readers: Say, doesn’t the oddly uniform hair color and hawtness of Spooky’s schoolmates seem a tad, well, off? A tad sinister, perhaps? A tad Village of the Sexy Damned, perhaps? Well, feel free to pat yourself on the back, if that insight has occurred to you. Tune in tomorrow for more details about the sinister—and “blonde-tastic"—secret of Spooky’s school! 

-Adam Warren

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