Volume 3 Page 156
Posted October 25, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panels 1 and 4: I rather like the drawing of the old dude in the background of these shots. I assume this was photoreferenced, but I can’t quite seem to remember the photos that might’ve been involved.

Also in panel 1, note the old-style 2007-ish Me flourish of Ninjette drawn with unusually cartoony “big-head” figure proportions. I did this more or less at random, just ’cause I thought the results looked cute. I don’t seem to do this very much nowadays, though. 

Panel 2: The “MY BUDDY NANO” bit on the big dude’s hoodie at left is a super-duper-obscure reference that pretty much no one other than yrs trly would possibly catch. See, way back circa 2000 or so, I worked on an ultimately failed Batman animation pitch set in the far future that involved nanotechnology, and “MY BUDDY NANO” was one of the wackier background riffs from the proposal. Just as well that the animation pitch went down in flames, though, as the SF-intensive show would’ve been one of the most g-d bizarre takes on Batman ever seen.  Why, Batfans would no doubt still be mocking the show today, if not cursing its name.

Panel 5: Uh oh!

-Adam Warren

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