Volume 3 Page 37
Posted May 11, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panels 2 and 4: I based these images of Metaphorical Emp’s face enduring high-speed “windblasting” from real-life pics of rocket-sled passengers, but the goofy cartooniness of her facial design made it difficult to convey this point. Then again, those real-life photos looked pretty damn goofy and cartoony on their own, come to think of it, as the pliable flesh of the subjects’ faces warped and distorted comically in the airstream.

Panel 3: Gosh, I’d forgotten about Protean—also known as Glorpp—in the background of this shot, gazing fixedly at Emp’s butt from close range. You’d think Ninjette or Thugboy would’ve waved him off, but no doubt they were distracted at the time.

-Adam Warren

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