Volume 3 Page 87
Posted July 20, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 3: Ah, I do love the idea that even supervillains get “notes from the boys upstairs,” as one often hears about with film and TV production. Gotta say, I worked for about a week or two in an animation studio quite some time ago, and I got to see with my own eyes notes from the corporate higher-ups appearing via fax machine—this was a while ago, I said. And yeahp, the notes were just as amazing as one always hears about.

Panel 4:  Note that the character “Maura” was initially referred to as “Melissa” in the first version of a page I posted earlier, before noticing the error and switching in “Maura.” As I mentioned before, “Melissa” was too close to a certain character’s real name revealed at the end of Empowered vol. 3, so I had to go back and change it for the final, published version of the book.

-Adam Warren

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