Volume 4 Page 132
Posted June 19, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Gotta say, I’m normally not all that thrilled with a comic page consisting entirely of close-up shots, but this page’s strongly emotional shots of Emp arguably overcome that limitation. That said, this first panel didn’t need to be a close-up shot, and the camera could’ve been pulled back a fair bit.

Also not fond of Past Me’s decision, in this panel’s second word balloon, to start the dialogue with double hyphens and end it with ellipses. For punctuational consistency, best to end the line with more double hyphens or just a period, I think. UPDATE: As it turns out, I'm writing these commentaries largely based on consulting a first-edition printing of Empowered vol. 4, which does, in fact, show the punctuation to which I was referring. Howeva, the file used above is more up to date, and features a corrected version using only double hyphens. Sorry for any confusion, folks!

Panels 2-5: S’more rare usage of thought balloons, here, which only occasionally appear in the series. Still, I felt that having Emp rant and rave out loud in the Superhomeys HQ felt like a bit of a stretch, hence this approach.

-Adam Warren

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