Volume 4 Page 137
Posted June 26, 2018 at 12:01 am

Once again, not fond of Past Me’s choice to roll with only close-up shots on this page, which I find just too damn repetitive. On the other hand, nothing is faster for me to produce than a dialogue-heavy comic page featuring only close-ups. As I presently scratch and claw my way through the exasperatingly frustrating (but more artistically rigorous) grind of the maddeningly challenging Empowered vol. 11, gotta admit that I do feel some envy for Decade-Ago Me breezing through easy-peasy pages like this—even if I do find these pages deeply flawed, in my present-day estimation.

Panel 1: I do find myself amused that this brief scene’s conversation takes place pretty much entirely between Emp’s legs.

Panel 4: Alliteration ahoy! While this falls short of the much longer “single-letter” chains of alliteration in Empowered vol. 3’s story “Mysterious Dumbass,” this is still a very heavy dose. As I’ve said before, some days I tend to prefer the alliteration-free speech patterns of his earlier dialogue in Empowered vols. 1 and 2.

-Adam Warren

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