Volume 4 Page 201
Posted September 24, 2018 at 12:01 am

Extra-Long Hair Alert on Emp in this closing image, for some reason.  Slightly puzzling dramatic emphasis, perhaps?

As we'll see in a future volume, Ninjette isn't kidding about drinking being an integral part of her fighting style.

As we'll also see in a future volume, a depowered Syndablokk would have been a bit tricky to show.  Then again, come to think of it, he wouldn't have eaten any of the Wet Blanket-tainted food and wound up powerless, which would have left him one of the few fully functional superheroes in the group besides Emp—which is probably the main reason why I left him out of the ceremony.

And that's the end of Empowered vol. 4's story pages, folks.  As I said at the beginning of the book, this volume's storyline was MANY print readers' favorite, at least for a while.  Tomorrow, time for the volume's closing Metatextual Emp pages.

- Adam Warren
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