Volume 4 Page 83
Posted April 11, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 3: Behold, with this Magpul tee, yet another entry in the long history of Thugboy’s ever-changing array of firearms-oriented T-shirts.

Yeahp, that’s a phonetically expressed quote from early on in the 1985 Arnold Schwarzenegger classic Commando, with his character Colonel John Matrix(?) opining about 80s pop culture—okay, technically early 80s pop culture, but whatevs.

Not fond of how Ninjette’s pose on the couch worked out, but I appreciate Decade-Ago Me’s effort in trying something a bit different.

Panel 4: That’s a young Alyssa Milano replying to Ah-nuld, BTW! Note the spelling with a more common version of the widely varying name of which “Elissa” (as in Elissa Megan Powers) happens to be another iteration.

-Adam Warren

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