Volume 5 Page 163
Posted May 3, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Just noticed the structure of this page, in that it alternates between close-ups of the three characters involved and shots of the Joint Superteam Space Station’s disaster unfolding. Nicely done, Decade-Ago Me!

Bit of an old-school Frank Miller feel to Mindf**k’s telepathic dialogue on this page, as each word balloon opens and closes with those distinctive double dashes* he used in his narrative captions in the superlative Daredevil: Born Again and Elektra: Assassin. To me, they give a frantic sense of gasped immediacy between clumps of dialogue—or thoughts—as opposed to the more languid, trailing-off feel of ellipsis-separated speech (as in, “…no…” or the like) or the clean breaks of other punctuation such as periods or exclamation points.

-Adam Warren

*Technically “double hyphens,” my editor tells me, but after hearing 'em referred to as “double dashes” for the last thirty-odd years, tough to break myself of the ingrained habit.

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