Volume 6 Page 122
Posted December 9, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panels 2-4: I quite like the riff of using teeny, square panels for the progression of Emp’s changing facial expressions. 

I should note that I like using square-shaped panels that are either very small or very large, but not medium-sized ones (as in the classic Kirby 2 X 3 six-panel grid). That’s because, IMHO, horizontal or vertical panoramic panels inherently drive the reader’s eye and automatically provide space for lettering; mid-sized square panels, not so much.

Panel 6: Y’know, I really should try to update how Ocelotina’s goofy little media empire works nowadays. Patreon ahoy, for sure, but I’m not sure what other modern-era opportunities she might be pursuing (and monetizing). On the other hand, though, I should put some thought into Empverse-specific avenues for her content production, rather than sticking to the limitations of our own mundane reality. 

-Adam Warren

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