Volume 6 Page 128
Posted December 17, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: I find the image of Emp tied to a recliner strangely amusing, for some reason. Perhaps this is because it vaguely reminds me of... The Comfy Chair?

Panel 3: That seems rather a dinky car trunk to wind up in, gotta say. Then again, perhaps the bad guys in question used a vehicle on the scale of a Mini Cooper for their Villainmobile, which seems entirely possible, if less than completely intimidating.

Today's Patreon update: This should be a "sketch dump" of three or so sets of Clip Studio Paint drawings based on art requests from the $10 tier, open for viewing by everyone from the $3 tier on up. V for Vendetta's Evey! Stefania Ferrario! Mulder and Scully! Emp's idealized superhero outfit! All this and more, posting at 9:00am EST! Check it out!

-Adam Warren

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