Volume 6 Page 145
Posted January 9, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Gotta say that “talking-heady” is more of an Emp-ism that proper Ocelotina-speak, but what the hell.

Panel 3: Interesting that Ocelotina considers herself to be part of the sisterhood of superheroines, despite the inconvenient technicality that she really isn’t one. Or is she????!!! 

Panel 5: Did not remember that the intern’s name was Billy. Good to know!

Today’s Patreon update: Another excerpt from the defunct but interesting Twitter-formatted prose experiment I Am Empowered, an Emp-POV, first-person narrative full of interesting details for readers of the series! (Available to the $3+ Patron tiers.)

-Adam Warren

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