Volume 6 Page 17
Posted July 16, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 3: Looking through the rest of vol. 6, gotta say that “Big Pouty Lips Emp" is in full effect quite frequently throughout the book. I’d swear that the stylistic riff had started to fade out of my artwork by this point in the series, but I seem to be mistaken about that. Might be the case that, for good or ill, the riff’s frequency doesn’t drop off until volumes 7 or 8.

Another stylistic flourish that I tend to avoid nowadays is the exaggerated “receding chin” look we see on Emp in this panel; compare and contrast with the different chin depicted in panel 2, which shows her from the same camera angle. Then again, looking closely at both panels, the main difference seems to be that Emp’s lips suddenly grew even Bigger and Poutier in panel 3, crowding her chin a fair bit more.

-Adam Warren

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