Volume 7 Page 61
Posted June 18, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Ah, a wee bit of trickiness: Was the Caged Demonwolf’s previous reference to the Megaforce slogan indeed “earlier” in terms of the overall timeline? Or could this be a hint about “Time’s arrow flying differently” for him?

Panel 6: Gotta say, I had to read Ninjette’s dialogue a few times to figure out exactly what she was referring to with the closing line about “PUN F**KING INTENDED.” For the record, with “WHATEVER YOU THINK IS HAWT IS F**KING HAWT, PERIOD”, the pun she was addressing was “F**KING HAWT,” as in “F**KING” as both adjective and verb. (The emphasis lettering on “PERIOD” is confusing the issue a tad.)

Today’s Patreon update: We’re very likely continuing serialization of the Twitter-format prose experiment I Am Empowered, which tells heretofore untold tales of Emp’s earliest misadventures from her first-person POV. 

-Adam Warren

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