Volume 7 Page 91
Posted July 30, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: As we’ve seen earlier, “P.B.” stands for the supranym “PowerBaller.” But what supervill name could “Babs” be short for? Worry not, webcomic readers, you’ll find out the answer shortly.

Panel 3: I already addressed this issue last week, but Emp’s “blush pattern” mask might be a bit of a continuity problem, as I don’t think that riff appeared until fairly recently in the series. Oh, well.

Panel 5: Not sure that an iPhone camera would do this particular framing bit, but what the heck. DRAMATIC (SMARTPHONE) LICENSE, FOLKS

Today’s Patreon update: We’re very likely continuing serialization of the Twitter-format prose experiment I Am Empowered, which tells heretofore untold tales of Emp’s earliest misadventures from her first-person POV. 

-Adam Warren

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