Volume 8 Page 14
Posted February 8, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: For once, I actually worked up character designs for this sequence ahead of time, as opposed to designing ’em “on the fly” as I started the page. To quote Emp, "Yay, me?"

Panel 2: For the record, with this unnamed art teacher I was trying to split the visual difference between the late, great Joe Kubert and the also late, great (if fictional) Walter White from Breaking Bad. Alas, trying to draw two different bearded, older gents at the same time apparently wound up creating an accidental resemblance to another bearded, older gent—namely, me. But no, that’s really not supposed to be me, folks, as I am almost phobically opposed to drawing myself.

Panel 3: Guest art on that Divangelic insert illo by the great Svetlana Chmakova, creator of Dramacon, Awkward, Nightschool and other fine graphic-novel series. Alas, due to a miscommunication on my part, “Courtney’s” depiction of her conjoined alter-ego superheroine sports a conspicuous flaw, which I tried to paper over with dialogue on the next page. (More on this matter tomorrow.)

Today’s Patreon Update: As this is a Monday, time for our weekly double dose of life drawings new-ish (2018) and old (2017) along with the high-res Photoshop raw scans for both of ‘em, available to all Patron tiers.

-Adam Warren

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