Volume 3 Page 168
Posted November 10, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Hence this concluding story’s title, “E.M.P. and the Nukenin Princess.” As for the “Princess” part of the title, in case readers have forgotten, the shinobi unit currently in pursuit of Ninjette referred to her earlier as a “ninja princess.”

Panel 3: I again request long-time readers’ forbearance in not discussing Emp’s soon-to-be-revealed full name at this time. Please?

Panel 4: For a brief appearance by Emp’s dear departed Daddy, check out the last story page of Empowered vol. 2.

Panel 7: Yeahp, Ninjette is indeed a white girl. As you’ll see in our next sudden flashback about 12 pages from now, she’s a white girl from a very particular part of the US, one heretofore not well known for its ninjutsu. (Once again, I request long-term readers’ forbearance.)

-Adam Warren

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