Volume 5 Page 162
Posted May 2, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Mindf**k might be overstating the degree of heat involved in Willy Pete’s fiery attack,  here, but let’s cut her some slack, given the stressful nature of the disaster currently unfolding. In other words, her narratively helpful exposition might not be 100% accurate, folks.

The “nightmare scenario” she’s mentioning is a callback to a reference earlier in the volume, when she told Emp about the possibility of pissed-off aliens opening a Lotus portal directly from a node anchored within our sun (which powers the entire portal network).

Panel 3: Gotta love the image of ol’ Willy Pete just randomly blasting heat through an open portal, apparently with no idea whatsoever as to what’s on the other side. Per The Dark Knight, “[s]ome people just want to watch the world burn”—even if they don’t get to directly watch said burning, as in this scene. 

-Adam Warren

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