Volume 6 Page 123
Posted December 10, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: The image of “Emp distressed by kindergarteners” is taken from a very early, unpublished Empowered story, which didn’t make it into the collected volume when I was redrawing all those dawn-era initial episodes. 

Panel 3: Ehh, would’ve been nice to lose that lower word balloon, if possible.

Panel 5: Ehh, would’ve been nice to extensively trim down this panel’s excessive bounty of text. Oh, well.

Panel 6: “Sigh.” Yeahp, there’s a reason the first Empowered “floppy” one-shot—which I was working on roughly at the same time as vol.6—was titled The Wench with a Million Sighs.

-Adam Warren

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