Volume 6 Page 142
Posted January 6, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: In case you’d forgotten, the previous page ended with Emp asking, “Y’know what happens when I cry really, really hard?”

Panel 2: A rare example of Emp’s hair suddenly shifting into “Super-Long & Flowing” mode, a stylistic flourish that appeared at random during thus era of Empowered

Panel 3: Intrigued as Ocelotina might be by the fetish possibilities, rest assured that she’ll be less enthused about the next portion of Emp’s tale.

Today’s Patreon Update: As this is a Monday, time for another double dose of life drawings new-ish (2019) and old (2017), along with the high-res Photoshop raw scans for both of ‘em, available to all Patreon tiers.

-Adam Warren

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