Volume 2 Page 169
Posted January 26, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Yeahp, this dream sequence just transitioned from Naked Thugboy opening a car door car to Naked Thugboy emerging through the bathroom door of Emp’s apartment. For once, I was attempting to portray a reasonably, well, “dream-like” sequence, as opposed to the more linear and narratively convenient versions of such scenes I’ve used throughout my earlier comics career.  

This does, I think, represent one of the first occasions in Empowered during which we see Emp’s supersuit empty, yet still seemingly filled-out as of she were wearing it. This isn’t a frequently appearing image, but does recur a few more times in the next volume or two.

I believe that 2006-ish Me intended Emp’s Emp-free supersuit to be signing “Don’t believe your eyes” in American Sign Language on this page, but can’t quite say for certain. That is, even if I did intend that to be the message, I wasn’t necessarily able to depict the suit’s signing accurately.

Panel 5: To paraphrase the climactic scene of Seven—no, wait, that should be Se7en, of course—“What’s in the toilet? WHAT’S IN THE TOILET?” Find out next time, folks!

-Adam Warren

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