Volume 4 Page 141
Posted July 2, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Note that this panel features a very literal transition from a Caged Demonwolf line from the previous page’s last panel. (“The besotted buffoon clings to life solely by his steely grip on the wench’s toothsome rump!”) This might constitute a grudging yet whimsical tribute to the similarly on-the-nose scene changes in Alan Moore’s writing on Swamp Thing, which I gotta admit was not an element I especially appreciated from that otherwise hugely personally influential series. Even as a teenager, I recall thinking, “Jeez, can we just cut to another scene without using an overly precious line of dialogue transitioning to an almost pun-like panel reflecting that line?” (Okay, perhaps I wasn’t using the term “overly precious” as a teen.) At its worst, this too-cute scene-change approach reminds me of the Airplane visual joke about “The s**t’s gonna hit the fan!” 

Panel 5: In tomorrow’s commentary, more on the Cumulus Congestus of Mystery. For now, I can just say that these clouds represent a very bad creative decision on Decade-Ago Me’s part.

-Adam Warren

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