Volume 4 Page 175
Posted August 17, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Whoops! In fairness, though, “this” happens only rarely to Emp, who’s only wound up quite this nekkid on a few occasions throughout the series. (I’d link to examples, but honestly can’t think of ’em off the top of my head right now.)

Panel 3: Note the camera observing Emp.

Panel 4: An early appearance of Emp’s mask manifesting what I think of as the “blush pattern,” as opposed to the system of highlights and shadows I normally use. Later on in the series, I started using the “blush pattern” mask almost exclusively, to the point that I began experiencing difficulty drawing the other form of the mask. As of Empowered vol. 11, though, I’ve started going back to the older, higher-contrast rendering scheme more frequently.

Panel 5: Those are actually pretty severe injuries to Major Havoc’s hand and leg, gotta say. Ouch, again.

-Adam Warren

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