Volume 4 Page 33
Posted January 31, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Pretty sure those earpieces worn by the nurses are based on a then-current model of some sort; not a terribly pleasing design, though, nor one that’s aged particularly gracefully in the intervening decade. Should’ve gone for a made-up gizmo with a more aesthetically appealing look. 

Panel 2: Not a huge issue, really, but I don’t care for the choice the nurse and Emp randomly facing left in this one panel, when the direction of motion for the rest of the page is primarily rightward—as it should be in an English-language comic page reading left to right.

Panels 2-3: “Comic-book grammar” trivia, here: Using the ellipses (“…”) between Emp’s lines of dialogue reads a bit off to me, here, as those are something I associate with relatively languid and thoughtful pauses between sentences or phrases. With dialogue being rattled off whilst running down a hall, so-called “double dashes” (--) like those in the male nurse’s panel 1 dialogue would’ve been a better choice, as I feel those convey much more strongly a sense of urgency and intensity. (While I’ve often heard these Frank-Miller-popularized dealies referred to as “double dashes,” in lettering terms they’re technically supposed to be slightly longer “double hyphens,” I'm told.) 

-Adam Warren

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