Volume 5 Page 167
Posted May 9, 2019 at 12:01 am

EXCITING UPDATE: We—okay, I—interrupt your regularly scheduled commentary to mention that, at long last and definitely a few years too late, I now have a Patreon! Woo hoo!

The bulk of the Patreon's content—50-odd posts, so faris delivered at the $3/month reward tier, but the mo' affordable "tip jar" $1/month tier still gets its share of Patron-only posts and life drawings at high resolution. Yay? (There will eventually be heretofore unpublished comics at the higher tiers, but I haven't gotten that stuff rolling yet.)

You can check out an open-to-the-public postfeaturing work stages on Empowered vol. 11's coverhere.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled commentary!

Panel 2: Not a huge SPOILER, I think, to hint that the undefined “problem” will loom large in a few weeks from now. 

Panel 3: I am perhaps excessively fond of the fine, Swiftian vocabulary word “brodingnagian,” given how many characters I’ve had use the adjective. (Okay, no “perhaps” about it, the overuse is undeniable; what can I say, folks, the term amuses me to no end.)

Panel 5: Yeahp, the "elastic counterpressure suit" is, in theory at least, an alternative to the more conventional inflated spacesuit. I first stumbled across the concept lo these many years ago in the inspiring (if wildly overoptimistic) speculative tome The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps by Marshall Savage, and featured the concept prominently in my Titans: Scissors, Paper, Stone one-shot for DC comics.

Of course, the fact that such a skin-tight spacesuit might look good when worn by attractive folks such as Titans’ Witchy-Poo and Dead Prettyboy—and Mindf**k!—was strictly a coincidence, I assure you. (Ahem.)

-Adam Warren

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