Volume 5 Page 94
Posted January 28, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Yeahhhhh, kinda screwed this pose up. Emp should’ve tried to stretch her bound wrists over her feet and butt at the same time, as opposed to what we see here. Not sure why I made such a fairly obvious blunder; might be that the correct pose seemed too tricky to pull off after a series of repeated (and failed) rough sketches. That can be a very real problem, believe me—just this morning, I spent a good hour and a half struggling with some hard-to-draw poses in an Empowered vol. 11 panel, before settling for an only so-so but workable drawing solution.

Panel 3: Quite the missed opportunity for sound FX, here, as the squeaky PVC of Emp’s fake supersuit would’ve issued a veritable cacophony of small but colorful noises as it rubbed against itself while she was struggling to free herself.

-Adam Warren

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