Volume 6 Page 118
Posted December 3, 2019 at 12:01 am

Emp’s pose was repurposed from a commissioned sketch set that wasn’t originally part of the actual Empowered series; gotta love “double-dipping” like that, rare though it might be. In fact, pretty sure I posted the original set a while back on the “Distressed Damsels” weekly feature on my Patreon, for the $5+ tiers. Lord knows I got enough of such content kicking around, as DiD material’s been a commissioned-sketch subject for most of my (so-called) career.

That’s a rather old-school-looking voice recorder, gotta say; Michael Keaton could’ve been dictating his crackpot insights into it during 1982’s Night Shift, if you’ll pardon a hyper-obscure reference that only readers Of A Certain (Possibly Advanced) Age will possibly get.

-Adam Warren

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