Volume 6 Page 172
Posted February 17, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: And yeahp, that’s another example of the cartoonishly too-short feet I was drawing during this period. Wasn’t really a deliberate stylistic choice, but just a riff that seemed appropriate at the time.

Panel 3: And oops, there goes Phallik’s head. His phallospear will live on (sorta), though. (SPOILER alert?) 

Panel 4: That would be Daisycutter of the “high-yield detonations” mentioned earlier in this chapter.

Today’s Patreon Update: As this is a Monday, time for our weekly double dose of life drawings new-ish (2019) and old (2018), along with the high-res Photoshop raw scans for both of ‘em, available to all Patreon tiers.

-Adam Warren

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