Volume 6 Page 71
Posted September 27, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 5: Can’t remember if that’s the first time we saw the Spiky-Headed Spacesuit Guy, or the Volcano Guy behind him. Or did they appear in the crowd scenes back in the final story of Empowered vol. 4? UPDATE: Yeahp, that is indeed the case!

I should note that the Suprahuman Mausoleum will play a major role in the first Empowered “floppy” one-shot, The Wench with a Million Sighs, which came out not long after vol. 6. I probably won’t be serializing that story here until the webcomic catches up with the end of vol. 11, though; then I’ll switch over to Empowered Unchained, the volume that collects all the one-shots, followed by serializations of the miniseries Empowered and the Soldier of Love (with Karla Diaz) and Empowered and Sistah Spooky’s High School Hell (with Carla Speed McNeil and Jenn Manley Lee). And that will be it for the webcomic serialization, folks! Luckily, we’re still a few years off from that point.

-Adam Warren

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