Volume 7 Page 111
Posted August 27, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 5: Webcomic readers—and forgetful print-comic readers, too—might be wondering what the hell is causing those RMBB and SKREEEEK sound FX in the background. Wellp, rest assured that you’ll find out tomorrow, folks—along with Emp noticing Havoc & Rivet’s resemblance to some familiar characters, as her “?” here first indicates.

Also, UPDATE to the hover text on this panel: Interesting that one rarely hears the term sotto voce nowadays, as it once used with great frequency in the novels I was reading back in the 70s and 80s. (Then again, one of the references given in the Wikipedia example at the link is from Jane frickin’ Eyre, so perhaps it’s not surprising that this particular Latin usage has faded in popularity over the years.) 

Today’s Patreon update: Open slot in the weekly schedule today! Not sure what I’ll be posting, but something will go up today. I’ve been posting every weekday (sometimes multiple times per day) on this Patreon for over a year, so why stop now?  

-Adam Warren

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