Volume 7 Page 110
Posted August 26, 2020 at 12:01 am

Sound the Patented Empowered vol. 7 Sudden Scene and Timeframe Change Alert, folks! Yeahp, we’re jumping back in time to a thematically related sequence after the previous page’s moment of Cape Karaoke Night Major Havoc drunkenly blithering about the Unwritten Rules.

Panel 2: Yikes!

Panel 3: I rather like the rarely addressed riff that the various rivets on, uh, Capitan Rivet can apparently trigger different functions of his metallic frame. *BEEP*

Panel 6: Yeahp, Emp’s recollections are calling back to the action-packed and thoroughly disastrous final chapter of Empowered vol. 6. I’d post a link back to the pages in question, but I don’t think that’s particularly necessary.

UPDATE: Whoops, I meant the disastrous final chapter of vol. 5.

Today’s Patreon update: As it’s a Wednesday, time for the $5+ Patron tiers to get their weekly dose of commissioned damsel-in-distress content! (No idea what as to exactly that might be at this time, though; these commentaries are written much further out from posting than are my often last-minute Patreon updates.)

-Adam Warren

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