Volume 7 Page 224
Posted February 1, 2021 at 12:01 am

Fine colors on that back-cover illo of Ninjette-cosplaying Emp by the coloring studio Guru eFX, who also handled the book's front cover, which was probably my favorite out of the entire series. Alas, Years-Ago Me didn't do as good of a job on this illo's line art as I did on the front cover piece. (Oh, well.)

And that's it for the 220-odd-page. time-jumping, ninja-riffic odyssey of Empowered vol. 7, folks! (With better planning on my part, the book could've been far more ninja-riffic, in the sense of burning considerably more pagecount on ninja vs. ninja violence; alas, the dream of a 100-page fight scene wouldn't be achieved until Empowered vol. 11's book-length action, and even that was really a series of fights than a single, sustained battle.)

Tomorrow, we kick off the majestic experience of Empowered vol. 8, which (come to think of it) does feature a very long, action-intensive story taking up well over half the book's pagecount as the narrative (ahem) goes to hell, if you will.

Today’s Patreon Update: As this is a Monday, time for our weekly double dose of life drawings new-ish (2018) and old (2017) along with the high-res Photoshop raw scans for both of ‘em, available to all Patron tiers.

-Adam Warren

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