Volume 7 Page 27
Posted May 1, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Behold, folks, the legendary “L-shaped panel!” As I’ve detailed on my Patreon several times in the recurring Comics Riffs I Love feature, this unusual panel construction is something I picked up from Frank Thorne’s Red Sonja comics, which were chockablock with wild and colorful layout techniques mainly due to way too much story stuffed into too few pages. 

Also, re: the Ninjette close-up at right, it’s only now occurred to me that, dude, you could vary the type of shuriken she wears as earrings. (Miiiiiight want to avoid the fairly infamous swastika-shaped ones, though.)

Today’s Patreon update: Probably another dose of Vintage Con Sketches, from the late-90s/early-2000s era when I was cranking out a ton of ’em. Could be something else, though, as I rotate a number of different features through the Friday slot—including the aforementioned Comics Riffs I Love bit, which I really should try to revisit at some point.

-Adam Warren

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