Volume 7 Page 39
Posted May 19, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Background flowers ahoy! Also, not to wax too SPOILER-y, but webcomic readers will someday see what Mindf**k looked like when she still had eyes.

Panel 4 (aka “the Spooky part of the page”): While I do feel that Spooky’s monologue probably constitutes an example of the dreaded Overdialoguing Alert, must admit that the amount of text doesn’t really bother me very much. Plus, as we’ll see, this flurry of dialogue and sudden honesty arguably works decently enough in the larger context of the scene.

Today’s Patreon update: Open slot in the weekly schedule today! Not sure what I’ll be posting, but something will go up today. I’ve been posting every weekday (sometimes multiple times per day) on this Patreon for over a year, so why stop now?

-Adam Warren

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