Volume 7 Page 96
Posted August 6, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 3: I do quite like the riff of the neologistic verb form “merloting,” gotta say. Note also Emp’s spraying tears hither and yon at remarkably high pressure, looks like.

Panel 5: Not sure I like that giant exclamation point being placed across the panel from Emp, as opposed to next to her. If anything, this present set-up looks almost as if the supersuit is the source of said punctuation.

Today’s Patreon update: We’re very likely continuing serialization of the Twitter-format prose experiment I Am Empowered, which tells heretofore untold tales of Emp’s earliest misadventures from her first-person POV. 

UPDATE to the Patreon update: In fact, probably not an excerpt from I Am Empowered, as my text-based Patreon posts seem to have been notably less popular with Patrons than my image-based posts. So, expect to see some kinda visually oriented post today, folks.

-Adam Warren

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