Volume 8 Page 46
Posted March 24, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panels 1-2: As I mentioned two pages previously, here are some clear examples of the artistic shortcut that I've dubbed "the profile cheat," in which we see a foreground character in profile as she addresses someone in the background, even though she really should be facing away from the camera to do so. I did this to add a lil' more "acting" to shots that would otherwise lack facial expressions, though I feel that one needs a highly cartoony art style to pull off this exaggerated stylistic flourish successfully. With a more realistic art style, the artificiality of the "cheat" becomes waaaaay too obvious (IMHO).

Regardless, I do quite like these two shots of Makro. Note also that she clearly lacks TV Tropes' "Most Common Superpower," though she's rather less lacking in said department than Ninjette.

Panel 4: I quite like this shot of her as well. (Quite, I say!) A strong Makro page, to say the least!

Note that I did put a weeeee bit of effort into differentiating her character design from the main female characters by giving her extra-large eyes and a wider, toothier (lower) maw than the norm. Take that, complainers snarking about "sameface"!

Today’s Patreon update: As it’s a Wednesday, time for the $5+ Patron tiers to get their weekly dose of commissioned damsel-in-distress content, along the lines of the same material that was eventually reworked into Empowered. (No idea as to exactly what that might be at this time, though; these commentaries are written much further out from posting than are my often last-minute Patreon updates.)

-Adam Warren

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