Volume 8 Page 47
Posted March 25, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 5: Needless to say, Makro’s nigh-invulnerability is one of her key qualifications for hosting SUPERDIRTY JOBS.

Panel 6: Ehh, probably should’ve gone with a shorter word balloon from that off-panel cape with the Cyrillic character on his head. (This isn’t egregious enough to sound the dreaded Overdialoguing Alert by any means, but still…)

Tomorrow, time for an abrupt scene change as we move on to a different anecdote based on the concept of Hell in the Empverse. Wheeeeee!

Today’s Patreon update: Open slot in the weekly schedule today! Not sure what I’ll be posting, but something will go up today. I’ve been posting every weekday (sometimes multiple times per day) on this Patreon for the last few years, so why stop now?

-Adam Warren

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