Volume 8 Page 93
Posted May 28, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Why, look, Emp is working on the "HomeyWiki" supervillain database! Golly! Could this possibly be of some significance in a future volume? Perhaps!

Panel 3: Note that this particular supervill was glimpsed briefly in a scene back in Empowered vol.7.

Panel 4: Sadly, I never quite got around to featuring Scientific Method Man—or his potential side career as a rapper—in the series proper. Oh, well.

Next week, Emp spies some truly anomalous security camera footage on the ol' Homeycrib screens as Spooky's cryptic plan gets underway. Look out, Emp!

Today’s Patreon update: Probably another dose of Vintage Con Sketches, from the late-90s/early-2000s era when I was cranking out a ton of ’em.

-Adam Warren

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