Volume 3 Page 42
Posted May 18, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panels 3-5: The goofy riff of Emp pausing in mid-soliloquy for comical vomiting—and even resuming her sentence without a slip—cracks me up, gotta say. To quote the great Craig Ferguson—as I’ve so often done, here—“I made myself laugh, and that’s half the battle.”

Panel 6: I didn’t “draw through” Ninjette’s figure more fully on a separate sheet of paper, which would’ve prevented the minor but noticeable error of Ninjette’s largely unseen forearm being arguably a bit too short. When you draw an incomplete, “cut-off” shot like this, such errors are remarkably easy to make. Ah, but with the perpetual time pressures of comics production, the artist often doesn’t have the time for such proper but time-consuming approaches.

-Adam Warren

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