Volume 1 Page 56
Posted November 16, 2015 at 01:18 am

Panel 1’s view of Sistah Spooky standing next to Emp addresses an error that I had not realized at this time, and would not fully grasp for many years to come. What’s the error, you ask? Well, the problem is that, given how Spooky rocks a truly skyscraping pair of high-heeled platform shoes, she should positively tower over Emp when they stand next to each other. Strangely, this never occurred to me until I happened to write an Empowered-related prose piece; you might’ve thought that I would’ve spotted such a visual issue while drawing the comic but, alas, I did not. Oddly enough, this particular panel doesn’t make the error very clear, as Spooky is bent over slightly as she addresses Emp, but future “two-shots” showing with women will feature the error very distinctly indeed.

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