Volume 1 Page 57
Posted November 16, 2015 at 01:21 am

Panel 1 displays the most commonly recurring of Sistah Spooky’s wide—and, often, wildly varying—array of magical superpowers: telekinesis! (Or “psychokinesis,” if you prefer, or happen to have read Julian May’s Many-Colored Land SF-as-fantasy novels back in high school, as I did.) I’d originally planned a joke wherein Spooky discovers that untying knots is no easier when done with one’s mind than with one’s hands, but ran out of space for such whimsical japery.

Vaguely startled, when reading panel 4, to realize that I’d arbitrarily given the gelatinous—and jerky!—Superhomey Protean the civilian first name of “Tommy.” Gotta admit that I’d completely forgotten about that little detail, folks.

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