Volume 2 Page 171
Posted January 30, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 3: Nowadays, I’m not a big fan of the fairly cartoony “big head and narrow shoulders” aesthetic of the era in my artwork, as seen with the head-and-shoulders shot of Emp, here. If anything, presently I may be journeying too far in the opposite direction, as I’ve had to redraw some shots in Empowered vol. 10 that depicted her head as too small and her shoulders too broad. Oh, well.

Panel 4: Rare use of a super-long word-balloon tail here, which I normally dislike intensely. In fact, I still dislike such tails, as I find them awkward and aesthetically displeasing even when necessity drives their use. Plus, was this really a necessity? I could’ve structured the panel’s layout differently to avoid the requirement to sneak a balloon tail past Emp’s legs, which would’ve obviated the need for such lettering shenanigans.

-Adam Warren

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