Volume 4 Page 40
Posted February 9, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Yeahp, this image is reused from a “master shot” of the coffee-tabled Demonwolf that I first drew for Empowered vol. 3

Panel 3: Yikes, a 70s-era Mr. Whipple reference! Timely indeed! BTW, until I looked up that ad, I had no idea that the perpetually hypocritical Mr. Whipple had been berating shoppers from 1964(!) all the way through 1985. 

Note that, in this panel, The Caged Demonwolf is referencing a squeeze-intensive incident from Empowered vol.3, as later recalled in Emp’s bathroom(!). Slightly awkward posing on Emp’s butt-grabbing hand, but such images can be remarkably difficult to draw, between sketching the always-tricky fingers and rendering the surface being squeezed.
-Adam Warren

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