Volume 5 Page 135
Posted March 26, 2019 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Behold, yet another goofy, quasi-mystical “jutsu” ninja skill, as first seen back in Empowered vol. 2 when Ninjette trotted out the hensojutsu (disguise) subskill of “kyonyuujutsu,” or “enormous breast magic.”

As with all the previous “jutsu” skills we’ve seen, the elaborate Japanese titles and translation were provided by my friend Tomoko Saito, who also lettered—and even screentoned!—some of my earlier Dirty Pair and Gen13: Bootleg comics work.

Panel 4: What can I say, folks? The idea of a young, somewhat peculiar—if not creepy—kunoichi making an oblique reference to Carl Spackler’s Dalai Lama riff from Caddyshack amused me perhaps more than it should.

-Adam Warren

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