Volume 6 Page 205
Posted April 2, 2020 at 12:01 am

Wellp, appropriately enough, we close out the often-talky Empowered vol. 6’s story pages with one final dose of the dreaded Overdialoguing Alert! Ughh.

Tomorrow, Metatextual Emp and friends return for a final commentary on this volume. Next Monday, we finish off serialization of ol' vol. 6 with the book’s spoiler-intensive back-cover. Looks like it’s time for me to get off my ass and go snag the digital version of vol. 7, folks! 

For the record, I should note that that the Comixology/ Dark Horse Digital/ Kindle/ Google Play(?) digital versions of Empowered volumes look much, much better than the frankly rather crappy jpegs I end up posting here. After I neck the high-resolution screengrabs (off my big ol’ iPad Pro) down to 730 pixels wide to fit the Hiveworks format, the pages look vastly inferior to the (paid) digital artwork. Oh, well.

Today’s Patreon update: We’re continuing serialization of the unpublished Dirty Pair story Quick & Dirty, a 2003 48-pager written and drawn in a proto-Empowered pencil-page format.

-Adam Warren

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