Volume 7 Page 174
Posted November 24, 2020 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Gotta say that I’m quite fond of the slightly different arrangement of BG (background) elements I used for this setting, with the open white dust clouds contrasting nicely with the higher-contrast riffs of those vaguely techy pipes’n’crap beyond ‘em.

Panel 3: Annoyingly enough, in the first printing of this volume I screwed up the hiragana for “IKUZO!” (“Let’s go,” more or less) and left off the proper diacritical marks on that last character, so it incorrectly read “IKUSO!” No idea how I made that inexplicable error, given that we saw a correct “IKUZO!” from Ninjette in an earlier scene in this same setting. I can read phonetic hiragana and katakana, I assure you!

Today’s Patreon update: Open slot in the weekly schedule today! Pretty sure I’ll be posting something for the semi-recurrent Design Tuesdays feature; might be wrapping up my first draft of character takes from 1994’s miniseries Bubblegum Crisis: Grand Mal.

-Adam Warren

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