Volume 9 Page 9
Posted November 15, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: This is an exceedingly subtle art detail, but note the verrrry slight indication of individual teeth in the lower part of Emp's mouth. This is normally a bit of a no-no in manga character design, but I first picked up the riff from the personally influential work of mangaka Yuji Iwahara (King of Thorns, Cat Paradise) around this time and later started messing around with the concept further during my 2017-18 binge of daily life-drawing.

Panel 4: Note that this is the supervill team "The Terrible Trey, " previously seen in an Empowered vol. 7 flashback in which they were seen to be the first bad guys to depower and truss up Emp. Alas, today's post is a "cursed page" that won't allow for links in the commentary, so I can't paste in a link to vol.7's page 85, in which we see two members of the team getting buttkicked by our heroine.

Today's Patreon update: As mentioned earlier, this is another "cursed page" that won't let me paste in a link, so no Patreon update this time around. Oh no!

-Adam Warren

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